The story of Scott Donaldson's relentless journey to be the first person to cross the Tasman sea solo in a kayak
Unpredictable and unforgiving, the Tasman Sea is one of the most hostile stretches of water in the world. An Australian adventurer attempted to kayak across in 2007, disappearing without a trace. In 2018 Kiwi adventurer Scott Donaldson spent two months alone at sea to achieve a world first. It was his third attempt, having fallen a heartbreaking 80 kilometers short in 2014.
Relentless is a story about kayaking across Tasman sea as well as about living with and managing asthma. Scott Donaldson was using breathing techniques both for performance and management of asthma. From the book, you can learn how he could stay calm in a cabin when he was trapped there for six days during the storm. Scott Donaldson is actively involved in raising awareness about asthma and promoting an active lifestyle.
Donaldson's world first is an inspirational story of dogged perseverance, true Kiwi grit and relentless endurance.
Peter Kaldanis
In the middle of reading this book, amazing stuff and I haven't even gotten up the paddling section. A travesty that this book is not more well known or appreciated. Good on you Scott for accomplishing such an amazing milestone!