Courses for Health Professionals

Asthma New Zealand offers Professional Development Courses run by our Nurse Educators, throughout the year.  These courses are suitable for nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists and other qualified health professionals.  
Asthma NZ - NEAT & COPD Course

 The Course in Asthma and Respiratory Education (CARE) programme is suitable for nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, GPs and other qualified health professionals.

The courses held in person at Auckland and Rotorua will run from 9:30am until 4pm.

Content for the online course is the same as the content for the In Person Course. The difference is that this course a full-day course conducted over an interactive Zoom session from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm and includes allocated breaks during the day for morning tea and lunch.

The COPD course is suitable for nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, GPs and other qualified health professionals. 

The online course runs from  9:30am and is expected to run until 1:00pm.